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Guides Close the Loose Ends With Loops

Close the Loose Ends With Loops

In our previous post, we showed you how to . Now, let’s introduce a new concept and the last piece of the spektr process puzzle: Loops. This 3rd type of process in your risk and compliance arsenal is there to help you address and resolve alerts potentially raised by risk assessment or monitoring processes.

A Loop is a process specifically crafted to solve a particular issue or alert. Unlike general risk assessment or monitoring, Loops are use-case oriented, i.e. spektr has the flexibility to support multiple Loop processes to address specific alerts or scenarios, and interactive, i.e. Loops can involve direct engagement with customers, such as gathering additional information or seeking confirmations.

The granularity of what a specific Loop solves is for you to decide, multiple alerts - or process outcomes, in spektr terms - can be solved by one Loop.

The Role of the Form Step in Loops

mini video showing a loop form node

Loop processes come with a new type of step: the 'Form step'. It is a central component of a Loop, enabling users to build custom forms. Users can create forms within a Loop to collect specific information or confirmations from customers or internal staff.

Loop processes also support Calculation and Routing steps to build business logic like other types of processes. So you can create extended logic that will treat each case differently.

Engaging Customers and Internal Escalation

As mentioned just above, Loops can be exposed to customers for efficient and direct information gathering. This is particularly useful in scenarios where additional client data or confirmation is needed to resolve an alert. Details of integration with Loops, like when and where to present the customer with the Loop notification can be discussed with us via email or via a dedicated Slack channel.

Not everything can be automated, but by escalating a use-case with Loops, the internal staff knows that a lot of logic has already been executed and the scenario they are receiving is very specific. We are currently working on this feature, so stay tuned in to hear when this will be available.

mini video showing a loop source (multiple source)

For suggestions and questions about Loops, feel free to reach out here: or hit us on .